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I have the habit of reading poems. Poems gives my heart some kind of eternal pleasure which is not in any of the shopping malls or buying cars. I can spend long hours reading a book.

Recently my Cab mate who is a elderly gentlemen gifted me a poem book which he got during his college days.. So it is a very very very “OOOOOld” book… this book has many old poems most of which narrates the story of a hidden beauty.

likewise while I was reading this book with great interest and passion one small piece of literature caught my eyes and mind which inevitably i had to adopt in my gtalk. it was just a small piece of words arranged in an orderly rhythmic manner. Nothing so big about it. I kept this piece for long time and no one noticed it also…

Suddenly one of my colleague pinged me on my communicator asking what is it that you have kept on your gtalk status. In-fact I also forgot what I have put… Then I checked in my gtalk then I told him it is a poetry from one of the poem book. He was so keep in knowing the meaning.

The poetry is like this.

Full many a gem of purest ray serene,The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear.Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,and waste its fragrance in the desert air.-Gray’s elichi


” there are thousands of precious stones hidden in the depth of the sea, and there are many flowers which blossom behind the leave and whose beauty and fragrance are not recognized by anyone….”

this poem was written by famous poet Thomas Gray who was famous for writing Elichi

Elichi is a poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person

Thomas gray has written wonderful words on the people who die without doing anything great in their life and a common man on the earth. but any one dies he has to be praised. Thomas writes for those many who died not doing any noticeable thing and still they are good and innocent.

Simply the meaning of the above  two lines is ” hidden beauty” in kannada ” Ele Mare Kaayi”(ಎಲೆ ಮರೆ ಕಾಯಿ).


  1. After reading this i felt that there is so much of meaning hidden in the poem. This one is really good. Something different with lots of information in it. Thanks a lot for sharing it.

  2. Very nice…Ramya…
    this poem is so meaningful and the way you presented it in your blog makes it mre interesting…
    Indeed, you are an extraordinary writer..
    HapPy WrITiNg !

  3. Thanks a lot for your comments

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